
About Us

Wanpen PromsonPen

Wanpen Promson was born and grew up in Rural Thailand, Nong Han, Udon Thani. After High School, she moved to Namsom, Udon Thani, where she built a small farm growing a variety of vegatables and fruit, including bananas, dragon fruit, papaya, oranges, mango, chilli, salad and many others.


Wanpen migrated to Hong Kong in 1991 to open a restaurant business. During several years of successful  operation, she also raised 2 kids.   

Over the years, Wanpen followed her husband across multiple countries in Europe such as Belgium, France, UK, Switzerland, Italy, Germany, Luxemburg, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, and in Asia,  Malaysia, Singapore, Laos and Australia. 

In 2017 an opportunity came up to move permanently to Australia. Wanpen quickly integrated in Australian life and loves the people and country side, especially the  large farming operations and outback scenery. She currently lives on the Central Coast , 80km north of Sydney in New South Wales. 

She decided Australia was such a beautiful country that she started promoting it to students from Thailand wanting to take an opportunity to expand their studies and experience life outside Thailand.  Wanpen was also approved as an Australian Citizen very fast and preparing for the ceremony.

Wanpen deeply cares about the people in her home country and wants to help them by giving unique opportunities in a country that she now calls home. During her travels around Australia, she had the opportunity of meeting people from various communities and culture and learnt about a lot about life in Australia.  From the fruit farms in the far south outback of Victoria and New South Wales to the lush mango and papaya growing businesses in North Queensland.


Together with Edna , Wanpen plans to keep on promoting and assisting Thai people who are motivated to change their life and experience Australia. Wanpen is fluent in Thai, Lao and Cantonese language.




Edna Wacher

Edna Wacher completed a Bachelor of Arts degree (majoring in Psychology) in Manila, just before migrating to Australia in 1988. Her first job in Australia was as a volunteer in a local neighbourhood centre. This experience heightened her interest in community service, and motivated her to obtain a Diploma in Community Services (Welfare) through the Hunter Institute of Technology. On graduation, she was recruited in the Howard government’s Community Settlement Services Scheme (CSSS). Her position was funded by the Department of Immigration and Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs (DIMIA) – currently known as Department of Home Affairs. Her employment was as a Case Worker supporting newly arrived migrants and humanitarian entrants, during their first five years of arrival to the Central Coast of New South Wales. 


Edna was next hired into another newly created position – the Multicultural Health Development Officer / Health Educator for Central Coast Local Health District. She is also an accredited interpreter in her Filipino language (Tagalog) with the National Accreditation Authority of Translators and Interpreters (NAATI) and an accredited interpreter of Health Care Interpreter Services (HCIS). 

All in all, Edna has worked for more than 20 years with multiple ethnic groups from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) backgrounds – first as a DIMIA-funded Case Worker and next as the CC LHD Multicultural Health Development Officer. Over this time, she has established a very valuable network of government, welfare, and migration contacts. Edna has also built constructive relationships with Australia’s two major political parties, at both state and local government levels. Her longstanding service to the CALD community led to her appointment as Chairperson of the Wyong Shire Council Multicultural Advisory Committee (MAC). She was honoured with the ‘Citizen of the Year, 2014’ award. 

Edna acquired a first-hand understanding of immigration law and the way in which Departmental decisions are made during her years as a DIMIA-funded Case Worker. This job also taught her that a successful visa application is just the first step on a long road. As a migrant herself, Edna experienced many of the difficulties that she had to solve for her newly arrived CALD clients. It became clear that a truly effective and humane migration service should help people from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) backgrounds with the multitude of settlement issues that often faced them.

In seeking a solution to these issues, Edna’s first step was to study immigration law at Victoria University, Melbourne. She earned a Graduate Diploma in Immigration Law in 2008 and has worked as an Australian Registered Migration Agent for over a decade. Edna is now a member of both Migration Alliance and Migration and Education Alliance of Australia. Her migration practice has grown steadily – both through word of mouth domestically and from several migration partnerships with overseas agencies.  This has led Edna to start Migration Australia and Settlement Services Pty Ltd (MASS). The Company pledges to uphold Edna’s core personal mantra of honesty, transparency, integrity and trustworthiness. Our cornerstone policy is that the Company’s services to newly arrived migrants do not end with their successful visa application. Hence, MASS will offer a comprehensive range of settlement services, to help with successful integration into the Australian community.